WHAT DO WE DO? Communication among scientists.
Each year, the Academy holds an annual meeting to present addresses, symposia, workshops, scientific papers, and exhibits of interest to its members. Research papers are presented in divisional meetings which include agriculture and plant science; cellular, molecular and developmental biology; chemistry and chemical engineering; geology and geography; health sciences; history and philosophy of science; marine and atmospheric sciences; mathematics; computer science and statistics; microbiology and immunology; physics and engineering; psychology and behavioral neuroscience; science education; and zoology and entomology.
The annual meeting provides an excellent forum for members to exchange ideas and information. MAS publishes abstracts of the presented papers as part of the meeting program and as a supplement to the annual Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences.
In addition to the Annual Meeting Program, the Academy publishes Science in Mississippi (the Journal of the Mississippi Academyof Sciences). Science in Mississippi contains news and articles of interest to members and the scientific community. The Academy also helps coordinate and organize scientific seminars and symposia in Mississippi.
Science Education
The Academy encourages potential scientists, engineers and mathematicians through its youth activities programs. MAS sponsors the Mississippi Junior Academy of Science and participates in the Westinghouse Science Talent Search and other science-related programs at several educational levels. A number of research awards and grants are also available from MAS.
The Academy encourages science education activities and programs throughout the state and maintains a liaison with the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science.
Assistance to the community
MAS provides an inventory of science and technology expertise within the state. That information is available to members, state government agencies, the state legislature and other appropriate organizations or institutions. When called upon by state government, the Academy also offers information and counsel conceming science-related problems.
Join MAS! Enhance the role of science in Mississippi.
Exciting events are reshaping and expanding the role of science and technology in our state. To take advantage of new opportunities and to foster scientific knowledge, we must share our ideas and talents. To insure excellence in research, education and application, we must share a commitment to scientific advancement.
Help promote public awareness of science and its methods. Help provide for the effective management of rapid growth in technology. Join the Mississippi Academy of Science as we work together to meet coming challenges and opportunities.