Science Autobiographies: Effective Assessment Tools

Debby A. Chessin and Jean M. Shaw

University of Mississippi, Curriculum and Instruction,

University, MS 38677

Science autobiographies can be effective assessment tools in the teacher education classroom to help teachers gain insights into preservice teachers' attitudes and past experiences with learning science, as well as to provide feedback regarding changes which may improve the course. Science autobiographies promote reflection by preservice teachers and document changes in attitude and comfort with teaching science; they also provide a means of modeling an alternative assessment technique for future science teachers.

Effective assessment in any classroom includes a wide variety of techniques and tools for gathering information about students. One tool that educators can use is science autobiographies (Fig. 1). When students write science autobiographies, they often describe their past experiences and feelings about science. Thus the autobiographies serve as a device for self evaluation and reflection. Their autobiographies also provide continuing records of progress in the cognitive and affective domains. Both teachers and students can examine the autobiographies periodically to find evidence of interconnectedness of thought as suggested in Benchmarks for Science Literacy (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993) and the National Science Education Standards (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1996). Students should demonstrate an increasing ability to integrate ideas, show growth in assimilation and construction of knowledge, and develop an increasing awareness of the themes and connections in science content.

Stenmark (1989, 1991) suggests that students add to their autobiographies at least once a year. They could be kept on record at school to document student work and to serve as a basis for educators to evaluate curriculum and instruction. Educators may find, in autobiographies, evidence of continuity, building of themes, and continued refinement of concepts (American Association of Advancement of Science, 1990; Gardner, 1993).

Connelly and Clandanin (1986) discuss the use of narrative writing in science as a tool for teachers to learn about their students' experiential bases. They state that "the notion of narrative contributes to the understanding of science classrooms and of school improvement" (p. 293). A possible starting point for autobiographies could be asking students to describe at least one successful and one not-so-successful episode from their past. Autobiographies are a means of becoming acquainted with students and establishing positive rapport. Burns (1996) tells her students that she is "deeply interested in their thinking," and that their writing provides a way for her to "support children's learning." This kind of positive rapport can contribute to equity; it can lend special support to children and young people traditionally under-represented in science education--minority group members and females (American Association of the Advancement of Science, 1990).



In our science methods classes for preservice elementary teachers, we have successfully used science autobiographies as one way to know our students better. Our science methods classes are taught in the fall of the students' senior year. The semester begins with an introductory three-day seminar; students subsequently complete an intense on-campus coursework block. In this block, we teach and integrate science and math and use many involving hands-on experiences to illustrate concepts and processes. The coursework block is followed by an action lab in which students work full time in elementary classrooms for three weeks, applying ideas and techniques gained in their coursework block.


Our students begin writing their science autobiographies in the introductory seminar; they add to them at the end of the coursework block, and again at the end of the semester following their action lab experiences. The autobiography form which we developed, shown in Fig. 1, includes linear scales on which students mark their perceptions of their own mastery of science content and their skills for teaching elementary science. Each student also writes a narrative in which he or she describes past experiences with learning science, feelings about studying science, and possible influences on self perception; included is his or her vision of being an elementary science teacher.


Before we develop the specific activities for our coursework block, we read through the students' first entries in their autobiographies to gain a general impression of students' knowledge and attitudes about teaching science. Typical comments range widely. Some say, "Science intimidates me." Others agree: "My science teachers have never been very supportive or quick to explain things to me." On the other end of the scale are comments such as these: "One of my teachers used many manipulatives and gave us real-life situations to learn the scientific method. I've loved science ever since." "Science class is interesting! I've learned quite a lot and want to learn more."

Typically, the students rate themselves lowest in knowledge of physical science; very few state that physical science is the area in which they feel the most confident. Reported confidence in earth science typically ranks in the middle, and most students report they feel most comfortable with life science. Therefore, we usually begin the class by involving students in inviting, success-building physical science activities. We also make special efforts to structure physical science and earth science activities relevant to our own students' everyday lives and past experiences. Even though students typically rate themselves confident in knowledge of life sciences, we have students participate in many interesting and enjoyable life science activities that can be used later on in the classroom.

When students initially write in their autobiographies, they make insightful observations about their past science teachers' techniques. Typical of negative comments are: "My teacher talked over our heads and did not encourage us" and "My teacher copied notes on three different chalkboards, expecting us to listen, copy, and grasp content!" Some positive comments include "I liked my teacher who had us make collections and think and apply what we were learning" and "I'll always remember 6th grade science when we got to do lots of hands-on experiments and projects . . . this class was not dull at all."

Students' initial ratings of their skills in teaching science are usually consistently in the low to middle range with no outstanding patterns of strengths or weaknesses indicated. Therefore, we model each area of teaching skill every day and involve students in practicing them. Because group work is a central element of teaching science, we use groups as a means for promoting interdependence and respect for others. Sharing, communicating, conducting investigations together, and learning from each other are some of the most important goats of our classroom.

To establish the groups for our science methods class, we use information from the students' autobiographies. We try to establish heterogeneous groups with a balance of students by gender, ethnicity, interest and attitude, perceived knowledge and ability, and confidence in science teaching.


Science autobiographies promote reflection by students and document changes in attitude and comfort with teaching science. Most students claim growth in knowledge in all three areas of science as well as increased skills for teaching. After the coursework block and after the action lab, students' comments typically include: "I've learned so many new activities to do with any age child . . . I feel a lot better about science processes," and "I have gained a better understanding of science in the classroom. I feel more confident about how to teach and prepare for science lessons . . . I enjoyed planning and teaching in the classroom. The ideas I implemented were great!" Other students' comments were: "My kindergartners loved the activities especially when we follow up with art and going outside," and "I am really excited about teaching science--I feel that I have improved in the subject and in instructional area as well," and "I have found that science can be exciting and stimulating when students are allowed to investigate, discover, and share."

Like our students, we as teacher educators reflect on our success in teaching for understanding and enhancing students' confidence in science teaching so they are able to implement appropriate and motivational science programs in the field. We are gratified and encouraged when our students' autobiographies show success, contain positive comments, and include reflections on their growth as future teachers. The autobiographies also contain specific comments that help us to better structure future courses. When students mention activities as memorable, we are likely to include these again, and likewise, we modify others which were reported negatively.


We have found the use of science autobiographies to be very helpful in planning and implementing our science methods course. The process helps us gain insights about our students' attitudes, perceived strengths and weaknesses, and past experiences which affect their perceptions of themselves as future science teachers. Typically we feel gratified as we receive the positive feedback and specific suggestions about our course. When students highlight things that they feel we should do differently, we have a basis for decision making as we plan our next year's course.

We recommend the use of science autobiographies to others. Elementary teachers could gain understanding about their students' attitudes and progress in science if they ask children to add to science autobiographies throughout the school year. Teachers can document students' success through maintaining autobiographies; their students will be motivated by evidence of their increased knowledge and understanding. Administrators, staff developers, and teacher study-group members may find that science autobiographies are one useful tool in instructional supervision and enhancement of teaching. Learning about teachers' perceived abilities and attitudes in teaching science can provide a starting place for dialogue and building of support necessary for sustained momentum in teacher and student growth and understanding. As Wallace and Louden (1992, p. 519) remind us, "Reform of elementary classrooms must be understood in these terms: through a shared view of the central place of teachers' knowledge in teachers' work, and by understanding and supporting the environments in which elementary teachers extend their knowledge about teaching science." Using science autobiographies are indeed one way to support this important idea.


American Association for the Advancement of Science. 1990. Project 2061. Science for All Americans. Oxford University Press, New York. 272 p.

American Association for the Advancement of Science. 1993. Benchmarks for Science Literacy. Oxford University Press, New York. 418 p.

American Association for the Advancement of Science. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Oxford University Press, New York. 262 p.

Burns, M. 1996. What I Learned From Teaching Second Grade. Teaching Children Mathematics. 3:124­127.

Connelly, M.F., and J.D. Clandanin. 1986. On narrative method, personal philosophy, and narrative in the story of teaching. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 23:293­310.

Gardner, H. 1993. Educating for understanding. The American School Board Journal. 180:20­24.

Stenmark, J.K. 1989. Assessment Alternatives in Mathematics. EQUALS, Berkeley, CA. 36 p.

Stenmark, J.K. 1991. Mathematics Assessment: Myths, Models, and Practical Suggestions. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, VA. 68 p.

Wallace, J., and J. Louden, J. 1992. Science teaching and teachers' knowledge: Prospects for reform in elementary classrooms. Science Education. 76:507­521.