On May 1, 1997, the Officers and Directors of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences unanimously approved a motion declaring that the annual "Outstanding Contribution to Science Award" offered for service to the Mississippi Academy of Sciences be renamed as the "Dudley F. Peeler Outstanding Contribution to the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Award."

Redesignation of this award perpetuates recognition of Dr. Peeler's career-long service and fundamental contributions that resulted in our current position as a highly viable, growing, and productive support group for science education and scientific professionals statewide.

With this action, the spirit and energy that have epitomized Dr. Peeler's vision for the Academy will be captured and maintained in service of the Academy for the lifetime of this award. Our gratitude for Dr. Peeler's service is heartfelt. In acknowledgement of his efforts the words of Alex Noble come to mind:

"If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day."

We wish Dr. Peeler a period of retirement as satisfying and productive as his efforts for the Academy have proven to be.

Robin W. Rockhold, Ph.D. Steven T. Case, Ph.D. John A. Boyle, Ph.D.

Director President Executive Officer