Integrating Field Experiences in Science Courses

Jo Ann Belk, Brain Knippers, and Suzette Burton

Mississippi State University, Meridian, MS 39307,

Mississippi State Department of Education, Jackson MS 39205, and

Hancock High School, Kiln, MS 39556

Field experiences may be added as an optional component to any high school level science course listed by competencies in the Mississippi Science Framework and for Advanced Placement science courses. The field experiences must be attached to the science course and cannot be taught as an independent study. Field experiences are defined as actual scientific field and laboratory investigations and must constitute the equivalent of one semester of time in the science course to which it is attached. Field experiences may be added to both semester and year long science courses. Students receive one-half Carnegie unit credit for the field experience component in addition to the Carnegie unit credit value of the science course to which it is attached.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (1995) in their report, Science for All Americans, stated that there is a critical need for reform in education. An emergent goal of the reform is science literacy. The report describes characteristics of a science literate society. A three phase plan is advocated to meet this reform. Phase I focuses on the substance of science, Phase II curriculum models, and Phase III strategies for implementation. Roseman (1997) emphasized the role of the classroom teachers as decision makers in implementing standards-based reform. To meet the goal of science literacy, students must be actively involved in hands-on experiences (American Association for the Advancement of Science, Project 2061, 1995). At a meeting of the American Chemical Society, scientists and science educators from around the country agreed that learning science can only be accomplished by active investigations (Brottmiller, 1997). Abbott (1997) stated that the current crisis in learning stems from "the failure of our communities to capture the imagination, involvement, and active participation of young people" (p. 10).

Rudmann (1994) did a comprehensive review of the use and implementation of science field experiences. Rudmann (1994) described studies conducted by Kagan and Fasan in 1988 and Stronck in 1983. In their studies they found that an environment that is new and different for the student may create anxiety which in turn inhibits learning. Another study she reviewed conducted by Benz in 1962 indicated that students participating in field experiences did not stay on task.

Other studies described by Rudmann (1994) supported the value of the field experience as a means of increasing achievement and developing positive attitudes toward science. She described a study conducted by Harvey in 1951 to determine the effects of field experiences on the attitudes of ninth graders. Experimental and control groups were used in the study. The control group was taught by formal classroom instruction. The experimental group was taught using field experiences. The experimental group exhibited positive attitudinal changes. Rudmann (1994) described a study of field experience introduction involving seventh-grade science and social studies students conducted by Delaney in 1967. Experimental and control groups were used. The posttest scores of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group. There was a significant difference in achievement of the average to below-average intelligence level students. There was no significant difference in the above-average students. In conclusion Rudmann (1994) cited research that stated, "there is a small amount of convincing empirical evidence to support the belief that field trips are beneficial" (p. 138).

Other researchers also cite the value of field experiences in promoting positive attitudes and achievement in science (Weinburgh and Englehard, 1994; Krepel and Duvall, 1981). Beiersdorfer and Davis (1994) stated that field experiences provided active learning, collaboration, and relevance, enabling students to become practicing scientists. Gass (1995) conducted a study concerning experimental education. He found positive retention rates among participating students and higher grade point averages. Orion (1993) stated that, "The literature provides convincing evidence that field experiences are beneficial, especially when the teacher combines concrete learning experiences, as an intermediate step, with higher levels of cognitive learning" (p. 325). According to Orion (1993) field experiences may provide hands-on activities which facilitate acquisition of abstract concepts and promote meaningful learning in science. The value of hands-on, activity oriented learning is well documented.

After extensive research conducted by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley (1995), the following conclusions were reached:

  1. Hands-on learning increases learning and achievement in science and mathematics content.
  2. Activity-based lessons improve student attitudes toward math and science.
  3. Hands-on activities increase skill proficiency in the processes of science and math, especially laboratory skill and specific math and science process skills, such as graphing and interpreting data.
  4. Academically or economically disadvantaged students gain greatly from activity-based programs.
  5. Hands-on learning has been shown to help in the development of communications skills.
  6. Activity-centered classrooms encourage student creativity in problem solving, promote independent thinking skills, and help students overcome initial handicaps . . . (p. 13).


The use of activity oriented and hands-on experiences in science is reflected in the National Science Teaching Standards (1996). The National Standards are divided into five categories: Science Programs, Science Teaching, Science Content, Science Assessment, and Science Systems. The Science Teaching Standards include the following criteria for teachers: planning inquiry based science programs, guiding and facilitating science learning, use of ongoing assessment, and designing and managing the learning environment. These standards may be achieved through the use of field experiences.

After reviewing the research concerning the use of activity oriented, hands-on experiments and investigations in science, the Mississippi State Department of Education along with science educators throughout the state developed the option of adding field experiences to high school science courses. This option provided students with active, hands-on investigations in science. Adding field experiences to the course provided a very flexible use of time, including time outside the traditional school day and on weekends. Mississippi schools began using field experiences during the 1995-96 school year which coincided with piloting of the Mississippi Science Framework. The use of this option is increasing as the Mississippi Science Framework reaches full implementation in 1997.


The field experience option may only be used for high school courses listed by competencies in the Mississippi Science Framework and for Advanced Placement Science courses. The field experience must be attached to a core science course. The classroom teacher should first write a curriculum framework for the field experiences he/she plans to include. The framework should include competencies, teaching strategies, and assessments correlated with the core science course it is attached to. The teacher should plan the field experiences to be included and get prior commitment from resource people and agencies involved. The time involved in the field experiences must be documented to include at least 70 hours of instruction. Time, transportation, additional costs and parental involvement must be considered. The next step is to submit the information to the principal for approval. The information is then presented to the curriculum coordinator for approval. Finally, it is submitted to the superintendent and the school board for approval. After it is approved, the filed experience is added to the course syllabus. Students are informed of the field experience component before they register for the course.

Lindblade (1997) stated, "The intent of all field and experiential courses is to include a significant field/direct experience component in planned, college credited, learning experiences with specific educational objectives" (p. 1). Research indicates that (Orion, 1993) field experiences should be placed at the early stages of the learning process and focus on concrete activities. Other researchers (Orion and Hofstein, 1994; Smith, 1993) stressed the importance of using concrete interactions with the environment. A study was conducted by Orion and Hofstein (1994) to assist curriculum developers and teachers in developing and integrating science field experiences into the curriculum. They found higher learning occurred when students had concrete interactions with the surroundings, were involved in solving learning tasks, and participated in summary discussions. Field experiences enable students to experience the process of scientific inquiry first hand (Beiersdorfer and Davis, 1994). Orion (1993) developed the following model for developing and implementing field experiences:

  1. The main instructional strategy of the field trip should be hands-on experience concentrating on those activities that cannot be conducted in the classroom or laboratory.
  2. A process-oriented approach should be used to achieve the objective of hands-on experience. This approach involves assignments that direct the students towards activities such as observing, touching, identifying, measuring, and comparing. Follow-up activities of interpretation and for drawing conclusions should be based on these basic processes.
  3. Students should be prepared for the field trip. The more familiar they are with their assignment (cognitive preparation), with the area of the field trip (geographical preparation), and the kind of event in which they will participate (psychological preparation), the more productive the field trip will be for them.
  4. The field trip should be used as an integration to a particular unit because the concrete activities provide a basis for meaningful learning (p. 003).



Parents should be informed of any added expectations of the course. They should be given a schedule of any activities beyond the normal school day. If travel is involved, student travel expenses should be provided for all students because field experiences are a part of the academic program and will receive Carnegie unit credit.

Implications for the districts may include more planning and organization on the part of classroom teachers, decreased student-teacher ratio, increased transportation costs, and increased achievement for students in science. Students may also develop more positive attitudes and a desire for life-long learning.

The use of the field experiences is increasing. The Mississippi State Department of Education conducted a survey to determine the districts that were using the field experience option in science courses. As Table 1 indicates, there is an increase in the number of districts adding field experiences to science courses. The field experience option may not be added as an independent study. The types of field experiences added to the different science courses listed in Table 2 vary according to the interests and needs of the students and teachers.



Teachers assess objectives of the field experiences primarily through performance observation, oral presentations, portfolios and written tests. Students self-evaluate their own projects by comparison with peers and reworking in a competitive fashion. Portfolios include collections, projects, summaries, reflections, and students' self-evaluations. Performance observation includes the students' ability to solve real life problems, such as where to build an oil refinery. This type of assessment helps students to form opinions based on facts, research, and the input of resource persons. Presentations include students' ability to incorporate multimedia using Harvard Graphics or Power Point.




Field study for environmental science included a number of projects. On most projects students worked in groups with communication and work skills as prerequisites. The following statements are teachers' reflections on students' projects:

"Students made group collections of insects, leaves, and wildflowers. Collections involved not only the studying of specimen names, but also finding a method to organize and classify. Each group member had to answer oral questions about their collections including habitat, the dangers to its survival, and benefits to man if any are known. Students not only collected specimens at home, but roamed the wetlands on campus. One of my favorite remembrances of the class was seeing a student run zig-zagging, with insect net aloft, determined to catch an elusive dragonfly."

"The goal in this class was not just to study facts like pollution, but to build in students an appreciation of their environment, especially the Gulf Coast. My theory is that things we appreciate we protect. When a group entered the classroom proudly displaying the flower of a pitcher plant for their collection, they were attacked by fellow students exclaiming, 'How dare you pick an endangered species!' When the district maintenance persons mowed their field of wildflowers (weeds to the workers) they wanted to go to the school board to complain."

"To give them an insight on how others viewed the coast they had to read about the life of Walter Anderson using Approaching the Magic Hour, by his wife, Agnes Ginstead Anderson. It stirred the students and most admitted they both laughed and cried during the book. Some students who normally fake book reports were lured into reading by the discussions of their peers about Walter Anderson. I was surprised that they would not share the secret of the roach or other fun parts of the book with those who had not read the book."

"Art and humanities played a big role in the class. They painted the back of their field study clipboards, designed and constructed the backgrounds for the aquariums they maintained, and made splatter paintings of leaf patterns. For the students who are interested and talented in art, this renewed their interest in science."

"Perhaps the most frustrating unit for the students was an event-based module designed by Addison Wesley entitled 'Oil Spills.' In the module each group was assigned a location and they had to rate it as a site of an oil unloading station. The students had to do research in our school library and the Internet. Experiments had to be designed to test the effect of size and shape of tankers on the ability to navigate the inlet waters. Lastly, they had to present their findings to the class and persuade the class to use or not use the site for the unloading station."

"Several units were completed by dividing the topic to be learned equally with each group. They researched the information using the computers and produced multi-media presentations. Competition ran high, but so did the sharing of computer skills. If one group added color, another changed their font and color. If one group added graphics, another animated and added sound. Environmental facts, computer skills, and oral communication skills were learned."

"When visitors to our campus entered the classroom, the students' pride was evident as they displayed their collections, aquariums, and computer programs. A year later students still come back to share with me new information they have found on their endangered species. It is obvious they have become lifelong learners, not just students in a course."


In conclusion, adding the field experience option to Mississippi high school science courses appears to be beneficial to both students and teachers. Comments from both teachers and students concerning the effectiveness of the field experience indicate students have more positive attitudes toward science and higher achievement. Research conducted by Rudmann (1994), Weinburgh and Englehard (1994), and the Lawrence Hall of Science (1995) supports this conclusion. Other comments from students indicated that the courses were more interesting and informative. Teachers stated that although you see positive implications for teaching and learning, intensive, time consuming preparation is necessary. Field experiences give students time to do more in the pursuit of knowledge than memorize facts and display that knowledge on a test. It contributes to acquiring problem solving skills and becoming a life-long learner.

The Mississippi State Department of Education is in the process of conducting formal and informal assessments of the field experience options added to high school science courses. Data will be collected and analyzed to determine the significance of adding the field experience option to Mississippi high school science courses. Gass (1995) emphasized the need for qualitative and quantitative research concerning the value of field experiences. He stated that, "The importance of this research should not be underestimated as the future quality of our programs is dependent of the information presently being gained--or lost" (p. 355).


Abbott, J. 1997. To be intelligent. Educational Leadership 54:6­10.

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Project 2061. 1995. Science for all Americans summary. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Washington, DC. 15 pp.

Beiersdorfer, R., and W. Davis. 1994. Suggestions for planning a class field trip. Journal of College Science Teaching. 23:307­311.

Brottmiller, W. 1997. The best of wonder science. Delmar Publishers, Albany, NY. 531 pp.

Gass, M. 1995. The theory of experiential education. Kendall/Hunt, NY. 483 pp.

Krepel, W.J., and C.R. Duval. 1981. Field trips: a guide for planning and conducting educational experiences. National Education Association, Washington, DC. 55 pp.

Lawrence Hall of Science. 1995. GEMS Great explorations in science. University of California, Berkeley, CA. 24 pp.

Lindblade, T. 1997. Operations Manual for The College of Dupage Field and Experiential Learning Program. College of Dupage, Glen Ellyn, IL. 44 pp.

National Research Council. 1996. National science education standards. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 274 pp.

Orion, N. 1993. A model for the development and implementation of field trips as an integral part of the science curriculum. School Science and Mathematics 93:325­331.

Orion, N., and A. Hofstein.1994. Factors that influence learning during a scientific field trip in a natural environment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 31:1097­1119.

Roseman, J.E. 1997. Lessons from Project 2061. Science Teacher 64:26­29.

Rudmann, C.L. 1994. A review of the use and implementation of science field trips. School Science and Mathematics 94:138­141.

Smith, M. 1993. Outdoor outreach: producing a geologic report for the community. The Science Teacher 60:38­41.

Weinburgh, M.H., and J. Englehard. 1994. Gender, prior academic performance and beliefs as predictors of attitudes toward biology laboratory experiences. School Science and Mathematics 94:90­93.